Tuesday, March 2, 2010

AMNH Bird Walk

Today was my first time going on the AMNH Bird Walk. It was a pretty sizable group, I think there were 10 of us.

We started by the museum and went to the lake where we saw mallards and northern shovelers and Canada geese. On the way there we saw a bunch of sparrows, and one of them was an American Tree Sparrow which is apparently quite rare to see in the park. I didn't get a picture of it, but luckily we saw another one (or the same one) at the feeders. The first picture is my best shot of that bird. Next is my best shot yet of a red bellied woodpecker. Then we saw some cedar waxwings, but the light was not cooperating with my camera. Later a white throated sparrow that I managed a decent picture of. After the walk was over I continued on my own, down around the lake and through mostly on the west side to get home. One the way I did see a hawk circling above, didn't see any perched. There was a group of 5-6 squirrels by the chess and checkers house chattering like crazy and chasing each other around, it was unclear whether it was fighting or mating behavior.

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