Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Nesting Cavity Drama!


So today from upstairs I saw a pair of super-cute Carolina chickadees hollowing out a cavity in a dead tree, to make a nest there.  That’s how they do.  I’m trying not to get too excited and scare them off, which has happened before with several pairs of nesting birds.  I try to be cool, but.......

Everything is going fine, until a bluebird shows up!  Ooooooooooh a cavity, nice!  I want this.  This is mine now.  A bluebird is like 3-4 times the size of a chickadee, so the chickadees are upset, but there is nothing they can do.  A bluebird also wants a cavity for a nest, and isn’t bothered by the ethics of taking a chickadee cavity!

Then, just when it was looking terrible for the chickadees, a robin comes by and drives off the bluebird!  Why??????? No idea.  A robin doesn’t want a cavity.  Maybe it just hates bluebirds.  But now the bluebird has moved on and the chickadees are back to work on their nest!

I was watching through the screen so pics were not happening.  It was pretty exciting to watch!  

Monday, March 27, 2023

Back again!

 Hello again!  It's been quite some time.  I continued to bird in NYC, even visited some cool places, but didn't have energy to keep up this blog, so it went dormant.  

Then as you already know the pandemic hit, and life changed.  Now I've been living in my brother's cabin for almost a year, and I'm feeling ready to engage with this blog again.  I got a super cute new camera and I'm learning how to use it, and spring is just about here!

One of two phoebes who has been a regular

Yellow-bellied sapsucker has been a regular

Eastern bluebird by neighbor's house

I might do some after-the-fact posts just so I don't forget cool stuff, but for now I'll just start with today.  In the morning I spent some time on the deck, and in addition to the regular cuties, there were some new migrants!  I saw 3 golden-crowned kinglets, and one blue-headed vireo.  I didn't manage good pictures of any of them.  I did get a whole bunch of crappy pics of the kinglets, but I'm guessing nobody particularly needs those.  The regulars were more cooperative, everyone in their springtime spiffiest costume.  

I went out again after lunch, and saw most of them again.  And then later I heard a knock, knock, knock that wasn't coming from the door.  I went to check it out with a bit of dread in my heart, and sure enough, a pileated flew off, having pecked into the post of the back patio!  Oof.  I mean, I love seeing them, but pecking is for trees!  That made it a 5 woodpecker day for me - two flickers, the yellow-bellied sapsucker who chased off the downy, the red-bellied, and the vandal.

It was wonderful to see the migrants, hopefully I will get better with my camera and share some great moments!  :-)