Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Our final walk in this series (I will miss them!) was pretty spectacular.  Before we even got going I enjoyed watching this kinglet

and this yellow-rumped warbler frolicking near the meeting spot.

It was easy to identify the yellow-rumped warbler.  :-)

We saw lots of yellow-bellied sap suckers, this is the only picture I got that's recognizable.  This was the brownest yellow-bellied sap-sucker I've ever seen!  Some of the others are starting to look really quite vivid and crisp.

This black-throated blue warbler was taking a bath and

and putting his handsome feathers back into place while

this beautiful magnolia warbler flitted about in the white flowers.  Only one problem.....

hey, where's your tail?!?!?!?!  Oh, poor Maggie, hope you can make it to the southland.

This blackpoll warbler distracted us, we were quite impressed by its ability to store energy for its journey.  It's a round one all right!

This northern parula was mostly in a tree across the street.....

... except for when it was in the street!  

We saw a few song sparrows, looking quite fancy.

Cedar waxwings came through the maintenance meadow while we were there.  When I took this picture, I thought there was only one waxwing.  :-)

Then this red-tailed hawk flew over nice and low.

Later we saw two circling high above, I'm glad we got a couple of low passes first!

There were several eastern phoebes around, not all of them posed as prettily as this one.

We also saw (and heard) quite a few red-bellied woodpeckers.  I remember starting out and thinking that the woodpeckers all looked really similar, and now they look so obviously different.  It's sometimes startling to notice how I see things differently with more experience.

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