Sunday, April 2, 2023

Abrams Creek Wetlands Preserve

 Took a walk on the little-bit-wild side at Abrams Creek, a very nice walk by a little wetlands on the edge of Winchester.  So nice!  I was hoping to get some migrants, but I didn't really, except for one little ruby-crowned kinglet.  But it was a wonderful walk!

It started with a kingfisher!  I love kingfishers, and I was thrilled to see this one.  It was on power lines and backlit, so I'm not putting a pic here, but trust me, it was as cute as it could be!  

Further along, a lot of activity, mostly hearing red-winged blackbirds, wrens, hearing much more than I was seeing.  Saw a pair of wood ducks at one spot, it's surprising how hard they are to see at the edge of the water!  Like most people, I love a wood duck.  

Further along, lots of little cuties, the expected ones, sparrows and juncos and such.  Then I saw a weird branch that I thought might be a bird hiding, but it was at such an odd angle, I thought, probably not.  But obviously I looked, and it was a red-shouldered hawk!  My first time seeing one perched.  It was so hard to get a picture of!  It flew off but only maybe 15 further down the path, and sat up straighter, for this shot.  

At the end of the path you can see across to a golf course, and there were geese there.  Several Canada geese, and 2 greylag geese, I guess escapees from somewhere.  And one that I still can't ID, I'm guessing some sort of swan, I didn't get a good pic.  I'll see if it's there next time!

Here's the ebird checklist, I'm going to start including these hopefully on the regular:

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