Sunday, April 21, 2024

Costa Rica Sisters Trip, Full Day One

 What a day!  This place really is gorgeous, and pretty perfect for us.  I did not go to morning yoga, I was just too into exploring and finding those cute birds!  I started in the area across from our room, and eventually wandered all around the gardens across the little bridge, finding and then losing and then finding again the yoga site.  I saw so much!  Although the hummingbird feeders were not very active.  Oh well, I'm glad I found them!

I was feeling pretty ready for some breakfast when their class was over.  Except Deborah and I decided to take the long way, and got lost a time or two, before finding our way out of the gardens.  So coffee and breakfast sounded great!  I love a Costa Rican breakfast, and this one was a good one.  Fruit, gallo pinto, fried eggs, what a tired birder needs!

I did make it to afternoon yoga, by that time they had their tour schedules and spa schedules ironed out.  Afternoon yoga was pretty much all breath work, and I can't say I liked it.  I definitely had some resistance, and didn't feel able to do the holds like she wanted.  It wasn't great for me.  

After yoga I of course went back to birding the grounds until dinner, and I saw toucans at last!  It sounds silly since this was only day 2, but I was really missing them and wanting to see them again!  There were 4 aracari in a tree.  They are so cool! Also some parakeet drama.  A pair of larger parakeets came over, and the little ones did not like it one bit.  They were complaining loudly, but the bigger ones didn't care at all!  It was pretty funny.

Dinner and bed, looking forward to another day!  :-) 

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