Saturday, April 20, 2024

Costa Rica Sisters Trip, Arrival Day

 Well the flights were as long as expected, and we got through them just fine.  We changed at the airport and got some snacks, and found the driver, and then headed onto the long rough road.  There were long stretches of gravel with brief interludes of pavement.  There were potholes of impressive proportion.  The roads I am used to seemed smooth and trouble-free in comparison.  At one point the car couldn't make it up the hill and we backed way down and tried again.  Eventually we made it, and it was all worth it!  What a beautiful hotel!  The rooms are basic but large, with AC, with every amenity that matters to me.  And my room was right across from a very nice garden area, so of course I headed right over!

I found a tody making a nest.  That hanging mess is its nest.  I know, it looks unlikely, but it seems to be true!  

There were woodpeckers nesting in this tree, I didn't see babies, but they were definitely using that hole as a home base, switching off, bringing things in.  So maybe they are on eggs?  Or they have little ones that can't stick their heads out yet?

There were plenty of oropendula, they were just all going through, there were more than the 4 I managed to get a group shot of!  And the video shows one of the few times I saw their call, with full dip.  So funny!

There were many parakeets.  Just so many.  Other places it's a struggle to find them, and it's not easy here either, they blend so well, but if you stick with it you will definitely find them
.  There were at least a dozen residents, and they were not particularly shy!

Walking around the rest of the grounds was also wonderful, and this was my first hummingbird of the trip :-) 

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