Wednesday, February 27, 2013

And more gorgeousness after that

We headed over to another part of the grounds, with a spectacular lookout over a hillside onto a valley below and a lake.  We saw quite a bit there!  There was a brief and completely unsatisfying look at jacamars, which look like a large hummingbird with possibly a little kingfisher blood.  This flycatcher was showing off a bit.
piratic flycatcher
 There were not many swallow-tailed kites this trip so I was especially pleased that this one put on such a show for us!
swallow-tailed kite
 This little fellow was stubborn indeed.  It took a ~lot~ of waiting patiently to get a look at it.  And then the camera refused to focus on it!  Aaaauuuauauaughghghg!
slaty spinetail
 This little lovely made it up to me.
mystery hummingbird
 Off to another waterfall!  We walked through the forest, where this guy hopped about for a while.  I love this guy with that bright beak.
slate-colored grosbeak
 A rufous mourner, truly an unfortunate name.  This is one of the times I am glad the birds cannot understand what people have chosen to call them.
rufous mourner
spotted antbird
 Same bird, different angle.  My poor camera did its best with the very low light.
spotted antbird
 Another little lovely busily being gorgeous.
green hermit
 Back at the cafe overlook, a turkey vulture came by.  Hello big guy!
turkey vulture
 And our driver found a lineated woodpecker for us.  It truly does look like a cartoon.
lineated woodpecker
 We went somewhere else, I don't remember where, and saw trogons.  Yay trogons!  The male stayed in the shadows but the female allowed a nice shot.
orange-bellied trogon, female

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