Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Feels like Spring, Looks like Summer

The weather today felt like spring, but the birds know better - migrants are pretty much outta here!  It was a wonderful walk but not very birdy.  This titmouse was hilarious, he has obviously been fed many times.  He spotted me, came right over, checked me out, got closer, checked again, and then started scolding me for not having brought him a snack.  Looked at me with as much disdain as a titmouse can muster, scolded me again, and off he went.

Tufted Titmouse

At the oven this black-crowned night heron was hanging out, and another one flew in and preened in a nearby tree.  They are so gorgeous!

Black-crowned Night Heron

A pair of house finches flitted about, chasing each other all around.  I was lucky to get a picture in focus!  At least I had better luck with them than with the orioles - I saw several but always on the move, and not taking their time about it either.  Oh well, I do love to watch them fly, that bright orange streak across the sky.
House Finch

Mystery bird!  Anyone wanna play Guess The Bird?  :-)

 Another shot of the mystery bird.

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