Thursday, April 15, 2010

Back in the Park

Today I finally got back to Central Park! It was a wonderful day there. I went up to the lake, through the ramble a bit, around the lake shore, and back home. I stopped for a while at the little area off to the right just before crossing Bow Bridge, and saw a lot of stuff there. A hermit thrush or two, a flicker, a palm warbler, a couple of kinglets. Only the hermit thrush picture came out any good. As I went around the lake I saw a double crested cormorant swimming and fishing, and later sunning itself in the water by the edge. It was gorgeous! At Willow Rock, I saw plenty of birds. A palm warbler, a couple of kinglets, a flicker. Then when I was going to move on I noticed a waxwing! My closest look yet at one of them. The light wasn't great for pictures but it came out pretty okay. More kinglets (or the same ones, hard to tell). And then the brown thrasher, my first! Then when I was getting ready to leave again, a red-winged blackbird! So pretty to see flying. On to azaela pond and evodia field, where I saw many things but got no pictures. Back to willow rock, this time a downy wood-pecker came by. Going back over to Bow Bridge, I saw a yellow rumped warbler, my first one ever. What a day!

1 comment:

  1. This sure is the season, isn't it? The birds are coming in fast and thick. I wonder if the locals, the species who over-winter, think they are being crowded out by all "tourists" coming up from the tropics?

    Glad to find your blog. Come on over to visit Brooklyn anytime for my Backyard and Beyond at
