Sometime in 2020 we went to Rocky Gap state park, and it was gorgeous! So on a warm spring day, we decided to give it another go. It was just as gorgeous this time, with an added plus - the bathrooms were open! Yay!!!!!
Here's the ebird checklist:
We basically parked by the building with the bathrooms, and walked along the edge of the lake, and followed the lake loop trail for a while. The trail is 5-6 miles long, and we are building back up to that, but today we just went as far as felt good and then turned around.
First off, scanning the lake I was a little sad there wasn't anything to see, but then a loon popped up quite nearby! It was underwater when I started my scan! Definitely my best sighting of a loon ever, and I think the first time in breeding plumage. Talk about fancy!
Then I noticed a group of 4 cormorants on the lake, so that was nice.
Going towards the trail start (the bridge) there were some other ducks, one that I figured out later was a ruddy duck, and the others, well, my best guess is greater scaup. Hard to know if they are greater or lesser, I looked at the guides, and that's my best guess.
On the trail, we heard plenty, and saw a little! Not much in the way of spring migrants, mostly resident birds. But right by the bridge Jack spotted a groundhog, and on our way back he found a snake! It looked like a garter snake about 2 feet long to me, but let's be honest, I am far from a snake expert. It was so cool!
This was a really nice place, with really nice people on the trails etc. I would guess it gets crowded as it gets warmer, so I don't know if it will be for us during busy season, but for right now it's pretty ideal.