To the ramble! It started slowly with the boathouse path almost blocked by yet another project, but I made it to the oven and sat down for a few minutes. Plenty of starlings, cardinals, house sparrows, robins, grackles, etc. And then something caught my eye, it was a warmer brown and stood differently, almost like a wood creeper. Let's take a closer look with the binocs.
A cuckoo! Yes, definitely! Okay. Be cool. --- Be Cool. --- Get out the camera slowly, calmly, without spooking it. Oh no it's moving, take a picture fast fast fast!
black-billed cuckoo |
Okay. Well, that's that, then. Wait, it didn't actually ~leave~ it just went a little bit..... behind that...... if I lean a bit......
black-billed cuckoo |
Okay, yeah, now it's really gone. That was awesome!
And on my way out, this charming scene of a heron, roosting goose, and sunning turtles. A truly gorgeous day, with a surprise cuckoo!
black-crowned night heron, Canada goose |