Any day is made better by hummingbirds. At least, this has always been true for me. Today we went up for a nice walk through the park, and ended up at the oven, sitting and hoping for hummingbirds. A couple of other people were there with the same basic plan, and I'm really glad they were, because one of them found a perched hummingbird! We moved to where this little one was, and watched it for ..... oh, probably about an hour. Sitting, flying, eating, engaging in very small swordfights with other hummingbirds. You know, the usual. I didn't hear any chatter, possibly because there really weren't many of them. A great afternoon!
ruby-throated hummingbird |
ruby-throated hummingbird |
ruby-throated hummingbird |
ruby-throated hummingbird |