Sunday, January 27, 2013

Herons at the Pond

Today I ventured out for the first time in a while, heading to the pond basically to stretch my legs and practice with my camera.  So much practice is still needed!  Anyway, I was expecting lots of ducks, and hoping for hawks.  As I was walking along the edge of the frozen section, I was thinking that I wouldn't be seeing the black-crowned night herons that day, surely they wouldn't be around the pond when it was this frozen.
Black Crowned Night Heron

Boy was I wrong!  As I was walking along this black-crowned night heron flew in and landed just above me and ahead of me, and then it hunkered down and stayed still the whole time I was there.
Black Crowned Night Heron
 Even when this great blue heron flew in a couple of circles over the pond and settled into a pine tree!
Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron
 This guy was thrilling to see, he gave me quite a show flying circles over the pond, and hanging out in the tree for a while.  Then he was off, maybe heading up to the upper lobe where one has been hanging out.
Great Blue Heron
 The black-crowned night heron pretended that it didn't see anything, no, nothing at all, and just waited it out.
Black Crowned Night Heron
 Other than that, there were the usual suspects.  Photogenic ducks, assorted woodpeckers and nuthatches, and three soaring hawks.  A great walk, even though I should have worn my warmer boots!  :-)


Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Red-tailed Hawk

Wood Duck with Mallards

Today's big lesson with the camera: when wearing gloves, it is very easy to be manipulating the focus ring instead of the zoom.  As usual, when something is not working properly, the problem is most likely me, not the camera.  :-)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A funny thing happened on the way to the movie

We went to see a movie on 84th Street (we don't need to go back to that particular theater again) and decided to walk up through the park.  It was a dismal day, so I just brought my pocket binoculars, and no camera.  Guess who was at the upper lobe again?

Great Blue Heron

Yes, it's the great blue heron!  I was able to line up my phone camera with my binocs and get Jack to press the button, and this was our best result.  Hahahahaha, it's a terrible picture, but it's a good memory!  :-)  Jack also spotted a hawk perched above us, but we didn't try to digiscope (digibin?) that.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Nobody expects a great blue heron

Well I took the new camera to the park, on different settings, to see what happened.  It feels like the start of a long period of learning and experimenting, I hope I get a decent handle on it before going to Costa Rica!  Oh well, the pictures will almost certainly be better with this camera, so there's really no down side.  Overall I had the same problems with autofocus as with the superzoom - it doesn't like to focus on the bird.  Also the depth of field is much smaller, which I love if the camera manages to focus on the bird....... Sometimes of course it's not the AF at all, it's my hand movement.  I suspect there is plenty of room for improvement on several fronts.  :-)

Anyway I mostly took pictures of common birds, and I am quite happy with the results.  I happily spent a while with a juvie red-tailed hawk learning to hunt, mostly lunging around clumsily and wishing the squirrels and birds would just stay still!  Hahahaha, it was pretty funny to watch, and it's fun for a hawk to buzz me.
Red-Tailed Hawk, Juvenile

Red-Tailed Hawk, Juvenile
Red-Tailed Hawk, Juvenile
As I was on my was out, I was surprised to notice this great blue heron at the upper lobe.  Is it heron week?  I ~love~ heron week!
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron

And here are the pictures of others that I liked.  I have lots to learn, but I'm quite happy so far!


White-throated Sparrow

American Goldfinch

Hairy Woodpecker

Northern Cardinal, Male

Northern Cardinal, Female 
Black-capped Chickadee

Blue Jay

Blue Jay
American Goldfinch

Monday, January 7, 2013

Hello Nex 6!

I got a new camera!  It's much more serious than the superzoom I've been using.  It's a mirrorless system, the Sony Nex 6, which has a real DSLR sensor in a mirrorless body.  I got the basic lenses - a 16-50 and a 55-210.  Even with the 210 it doesn't have the reach of the superzoom, but the image quality is so much better.  Rich and gorgeous!

I took it out today to compare some simple shots to the superzoom, which I also brought along.  As expected, the superzoom was able to get closer to the bird, and the nex6 had better images.  I have a lot to learn, I'm very happy that even on day 1 when I basically don't know what I'm doing, the images look so good to me.

I didn't expect to do any birding really, I thought I'd just take some easy shots of some ducks on the pond, but on the way I saw this kestrel!


 Over to the pond where I was quite surprised to see this juvie night heron.  I wonder if it will just try to brave it out over the winter here.
Black-crowned Night Heron (juvenile)
Mallards!  Yes, yes, I know.  But look at those pictures!  Definitely my best pictures of mallards yet.
 Yes, I like mallards.  But I might be in love with my new camera, just a little.  I will try to rein it in.
The wood duck is unimpressed.  It stubbornly stayed out of the good light, except when it was really quite far away.  I'll get you, my pretty!
Wood Duck
Walking back around towards my exit, 2 red-tailed hawks were circling above.  I love watching them fly!  I don't know if these are a lot better than they would be with the superzoom, but they are definitely not worse.  Since I don't know how to use the camera properly yet, I consider this very promising.  :-)
Red-tailed Hawks
 Look at that tail!
Red-tailed Hawk